Just in case you have read any of my book reviews (why haven’t you *side eye*) and you are interested knowing more about how I rate my books or you just want to know how books are rated in general, this is for you. I should mention that everyone has different systems and this is MY system.

While I love reading books, I didn’t realize that I wasn’t reading with intention until I joined the Bookstagram community. I also took rating books more seriously and have been able to articulate books better and rate them appropriately. I like to rate my books on a 5 star scale because it’s easy and simple. Some reviewers have personal systems outside of the 5 star scale, and usually they would have a post or video explaining their system. So, let’s get into it.


Rating: 5 out of 5.

I’M TELLING EVERYONE ABOUT IT: I absolutely loved this book. The flow of the writing was great, character development was on point and tropes were properly executed. These books are the ones that make it onto the favorites list. Overall, these book will usually sit with me and I’ll always bring it up in conversations. Highly Recommend!!


Rating: 4 out of 5.

LOVED IT!: Very enjoyable read, loved many aspects of it. I would definitely recommend. The difference between this and a 5 star book is that i wasn’t jumping on my seat i.e my brain wasn’t going into overdrive with excitement.


Rating: 3 out of 5.

GOOD: Overall this was a good read but some things didn’t just click into place. It was just average, I didn’t dislike the book, just think there is room so improvement e.g proper wrap up to the story or more character development.


Rating: 2 out of 5.

MEH: Reading was a struggle, did not care for it at all but was too far invested to DNF. There were a handful of scenes that made me chuckle. Overall, reading this involved a lot of eye rolling and cussing out.


Rating: 1 out of 5.

NOPE: This was bad and I DNF’d it. This does not mean that someone else would not like it, it just means that it wasn’t for me.